So! here we all are, a new year, a new opportunity. What do I want for myself this year? What is important to me? What do I wish to bring in to my life? What would I like to let go of?...
All questions we can ask with this turn of the page into the next chapter.
Personally, this year feels like a space in which to move from deeper authenticity and self-honouring. To nurture the inner landscape, and to express with clarity from this place. It also feels like a time for an unbridled release into joy... reclaiming that pure, playful, creative fountain of expression.
I adore my 1-2-1 work; the opportunity to walk side by side with another on their journey of expression, confidence building, voice release. I am lucky to witness a person move from feeling shut-down, locked-in, and unsure, to feeling open, empowered, expressive, and constantly surprised by all that they are capable of.
Working with the voice is a path to singing well and skilfully, but it is so much more than this. The way we work with the breath and the body can release tension, stress and old energies from the body, returning us to a place of wellbeing and relaxation. The way we open up with sounds and voice exercises gives space for healing of emotion, balancing energies, resonating the body, and building self-confidence to 'take up space' and be heard. Through careful listening to each person - what they have to say, how they are feeling, what they would like - I am able to guide them to their wholeness, empowerment, joy... and a love of singing.
Let's all start this new year by taking a moment to gently tune-in to what is wanted for us, on a deeper level... what does our heart ask for? What would this body like?...
What makes my soul sing?...
If you would like to find out more about the sessions... please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Shine on,
Jodie x